use crate::mem;
use core::iter::Iterator;
pub trait BootInfo {
type MemoryMap: Iterator<Item = mem::Region>;
type Writer: core::fmt::Write;
type Framebuffer: crate::framebuffer::Draw;
/// Returns the boot info's memory map.
fn memory_map(&self) -> Self::MemoryMap;
/// Returns a writer for printing early kernel diagnostics
fn writer(&self) -> Self::Writer;
fn framebuffer(&self) -> Option<Self::Framebuffer>;
fn bootloader_name(&self) -> &str;
fn bootloader_version(&self) -> Option<&str> {
fn subscriber(&self) -> Option<tracing::Dispatch> {
fn init_paging(&self);
// TODO(eliza): figure out a non-bad way to represent boot command lines (is
// it reasonable to convert them to rust strs when we barely have an operating
// system???)